We all know that the ipod, iphone, and apple are trendy. They are the item to have for the 15-35 year old generations. So you have an ipod, what can you do with it?
Podcasts. Podwhat? Listen to sermons all day long. Each week sermons are updated by churches all over the world. So I want to lists some of my favorite podcast links in this post. I would encourage you to listen to them.
The most practical way to listen to podcasts is to subscribe to them in itunes and it will automatically update each week and update your ipod/iphone each time you connect it to your computer. However if you are ipodless...or just want to listen to it online. You can visit the links I will post.
I have a huge respect for each of these guys separate ministry. They are each Godly Men who have had a huge impact on my spiritual walk through their ministries.
Currently Listening to: The Village Church - Matt Chandler - The Church Part 2
Which of the ones you listed is your favorite?
If I had to pick...which I guess is what you are asking me to do - I would say it is a tie between Chandler and Driscall for the mere reason that for me personally I can relate closer to where they are with their ministry and generational outlook.
I am going to hear Chandler this week in Jacksonville. I am excited. Even though you have been trying to get me to listen to him for months, I never have. Maybe he will be on my weekly listen to list after the conference.
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