Pilot C.B. "Sully" Sullenberger. By now I am sure you have heard of this man. A simple pilot, who is now referred to as the Miracle on the Hudson man, did a miraculous feat of landing a plane which engines failed into the Hudson river without killing a single person. I'm sure when "Sully" left his house that morning it was business as usual. When he took off on the plane it was business as usual - this was just another day at the office; little did "Sully" know that the decisions he made this day on at "the office" would prevail him as a hero.
This was an ordinary man who for is being praised for being meticulous in his job, even to the point of being the last person off the plane after making two walk throughs to make sure no one was left on. Now I don't know "Sully" but from the sound of what is being told about him, he is the type of man that doesn't really want any appreciation or recognition because he just did his job the best he knew how. He had done the same things for years upon years with no recognition of being meticulous in his taking off and landings yet every time he landed the plan on pavement people took for granted the job that he was doing.
In our Christian walk day in and day out are we as meticulous? Do we always do the right thing even when we know no one will praise us for the job that we do? Or do we thrive off the recognition of others? Everyone likes praise and recognition sometimes in a while for a job well done - and as Christians the final judgement day we will receive our recognition; but this should never become our purpose for our actions.
We don't ever do what is right to be recognized but yet we do all for the Glory of God. We do everything so that others will look at us and will say How Great God is, not so that they look at us and say how great we are. The chief end of man is to bring glory to God. So making the right choices, glorifying God, and making decisions that honor God should be just "another day in the office" for us as Christians, not just a rare occurrence that happens when we are around certain people or certain places.
Do I think that the day will ever come when I will be praised as an over night hero for doing the right thing, something that I have done over and over before? Probably Not. But if it does I will, and I challenge you also, to say, "All Glory Be to God and God Alone".
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