Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Listen and Worship


I’ve spent a lot of my life studying music, actually I would say I’ve spent a majority of my life studying and being interested in music. As far back as I can remember I have had an interest in music. My interest began with curiosity. I remember going to the piano as early as 4 trying to “match” the pitches on the piano with my voice; having a toy guitar at the age of 4 and learning to play simple melodies such as “Jesus Loves Me” on it; constantly played melodies that I would make up in my head on our family piano at home; and attempting to learn how to play my dad’s trumpet prior to being in the middle school band. I loved music growing up. The complexity of notes and rhythm and the simplicity of a tune that gets stuck your head intrigued me and captured me for life.

The first time I experienced God was through music. I think this is true in many of our lives, whether it was through a singing of “It is Well”, “How Great Thou Art”, or for me “Open the Eyes of My Heart”. It was through music that I first recognized the Holy Spirit’s voice and desired to worship God unceasingly. It was this desire to worship God that amplified my desire to “really” learn to play the guitar so that I could worship God in private. My perspective of how I worshiped God from middle school to graduating college was limited to the form of music. It wasn’t until I heard a sermon from a pastor named John Piper in early 2007 that I begin to wrestle with my view of worship.

What is worship? I know in mature fellowships, many already have an answer for the question. Most will probably answer that Worship is, “To Ascribe Worth to God by Glorifying Him and Not Ourselves In Our Daily Life”, Some may answer, “A Time We Gather On Sunday Morning, and even less might answer, “A Form of Music”. It is obvious that the first answer is the most accurate definition of what it is to worship God, however knowing this definition, my question and challenge to you is to evaluate your daily life and determine, “Are You a Worshipper of God?”

Everyone worships in life, most worship themselves, some worship God. Some even fall into the trap of worshipping their perspectives and preferences allowing those to become their God. However the true worshipper will declare worth to God through their minimization of preferences and magnification of the big picture, His Glory.

Just as I was so intrigued and had such a great curiosity for music growing up, even more so should be our appetite and curiosity for the Word of God. When we gather on Sundays, let us gather as continuing worshippers to corporately declare God’s worth. When we gather, let us not come to be entertained, but to retain the truths of scripture in our hearts. When we gather, let us not gather for ourselves but rather for God and for each other’s accountability.

Just as music is intriguing with the perfect marriage of notes, rhythm, and silence to make melody, even more so is the three-fold God we serve. 

If our curiosity of God has diminished we may have quit listening.  Listen and Worship. 

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