I am a musician. I have a Bachelor of Music in Church Music degree which I worked my tail off for. I play more instruments then I have fingers; I play more instruments well then I have fingers on one hand. I am a musician. That being said, I have an odd statement to make: "I really could care less about music". I think at one point and time I did care about the music, but then God revealed to me His vastness and supremacy. My only desire now is one to declare that to the whole world.
Music is an amazing thing - it can soften the hardest hearts, it can bring people to tears, it can motivate and fire up armies about to go into battle - it is the greatest conveyor of emotion that exists in the world as we know it. Aligning Pitches placed in certain time spans apart from each other, attached with texts, is the melting pot that we commonly know as music. With the emotions that are attached with songs, it is no wonder that we can become so attached to certain songs; it is an emotional nostalgia of sorts.

I could care less about music. Such an odd statement from a musician? The chief end of man is to glorify God. I am not called to be a Church Musician - my call is to be a teacher of Worship to God's people. How can we declare to God His worth each Sunday in a way that we are broken before Him declaring there is nothing good in us apart from Him? How can we come to God each Sunday and understand His sacrifice for us and declare His Worth for it? How can we come to God each Sunday as a diverse people unified?
I could care less about the music. The purpose of my life is to Glorify God - True Worship occurs in a Church when it is unified in that statement.
Amen, brother.
Totally man!
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