Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday's Victory

Monday's Victory 

Yesterday we celebrated the Resurrection.  We talked about the victory we have in Christ.  We mentioned the freedom in forgiveness.  We celebrated that even though Friday occurred, Sunday came.  However for many of us, Monday comes too.  We find ourselves put back in the tomb, defeated, deflated, overwhelmed with life.  We were excited yesterday, but today we long for that excitement, we wonder what went wrong, where is that freedom, where is that victory, where is God now amidst Monday's troubles?  

Be encouraged believer, God is right where He was yesterday, on His Throne.  Oftentimes we fail to have freedom and victory amidst our troubles because we simply fail to ask for it.  I encourage you today, if you find yourself defeated, deflated, or overwhelmed pray this,  "God I need help" or "God I need Your help, I cannot do this alone".  

So many times I have found myself in a place where I am defeated and deflated, and when I ask for my Father's help, He has never failed me yet.  Be encouraged believer you can have the same victory on Monday you had on Sunday, it's only a prayer away.     

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest
Matthew 11:28