In the past year, due to the circumstances of our current life situation, I have had the opportunity to spend far more time with Mackenzie Grace than I would have in any other context. This has been an amazing blessing as we spend many daddy/daughter days together doing all of Mackenzie's favorite things such as going to the botanical gardens, parks, and the apple store. I have learned many things in the past year that are of great value, however the most valuable thing I have learned, I cannot summarize in mere words, I have learned the love of a father for his child. Through this learned love, I now understand more fully and completely the love that The Father has for me - I now grasp what an Awesome love it is, in every sense of the word.
Happy Birthday to Mackenzie Grace who has brought so much into our lives this past year, but more importantly All Thanks Be To God for the great love and blessings He has lavished upon us.
A Timeline of Sorts of the Past Year