Tragedy is Coming - Place Your Hope In Christ Alone
Tragedy is Coming. It is coming quickly, it is inevitable and unavoidable. October 2005 a Young Pastor in Waco is preparing to hold a baptism in the Sunday Morning Service, A microphone falls in the baptism, dead immediately. Thanksgiving Day 2009, A Young Pastor from Flower Mound is preparing to spend time with his family, without warning falls down, has a seizure, and discovers he has terminal brain cancer. Every day there are millions who face the tragedy of death, terminal illness, loss of job, or any other number of life's uncertainties. Life is uncertain and unstable; there is nothing apart from salvation that cannot be plucked out of our hands, even life. You see whether you realize it or not tragedy is coming quickly, it is inevitable and unavoidable.
The above paragraph is an incredibly depressing statement in many contexts, however it is also a very liberating and freeing statement as well. The statement is depressing and discouraging if you place you hope and trust in this world; if you have a earthly view of life, then there is no hope, period. If you have an earthly view of life, you can be incredibly successful, do all the right things, invest in all the right places, smile at all the right people, but tomorrow you may find that your life is fleeting faster than you planned. If you have a heavenly view of life, the statement is incredibly liberating and freeing; life is not in your hands, you don't have to worry if you smile at the right person, if you invest in the right places, or if you are incredibly earthly successful, all you have to worry about is pleasing your King and He will take care of the rest. Gone is the worry, gone is the fear of tragedy, our hope is in Christ alone. You see tragedy is coming quickly still, it is still inevitable and unavoidable, we expect it, but we have the assurance that God is in control over all things and place our hope and trust in Him.
The past month I have personally seen many people struggling with the tragedies of life; it has made my heart incredibly heavy. In this time of seeing incredible tragedies my soul has been filled with the line from In Christ Alone, "No guilt in life, no fear in death, This is the power of Christ in me; From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, Can ever pluck me from His hand; Till He returns or calls me home, Here in the power of Christ I'll stand."
Yes Tragedy is coming. Yes it is coming quickly. Yes it is inevitable and unavoidable. Place your hope In Christ Alone and see how liberating life can become.