I am a sinner. I hate sin, but yet I am a sinner. Do you ever get frustrated that you live a life that in sinful? I do. I often find myself wondering, "why do I give into sin if I love God"? In Romans, Paul tells us that we were slaves to sin, but we are now set free and have become slaves of God. If I am a slave of God why then do I reflect a life of someone who is a slave to sin? Why can I not be released from the sins that haunt me and encapsulate my life? It's not that I don't have faith; I have faith that God has saved me from my sins. It's not that I don't pray; I pray daily that God will lead me away from temptation and give me the power to say no to sin. It's not that I don't spend time in God's word; I’ve seen how God rebukes those living a double lifestyle of lukewarmness. Why then do I submit to sin?

Do you ever get frustrated with giving into sin? If you don’t, this should raise some concerns. However if you do, I would encourage you to read Romans. Sin in the believer’s life is a constant reminder that we are in desperate need of a Savior. Praise be to God that even though we are a people full of sin, He has provided a path to freedom!