Have you ever stopped to think why God chooses us? I am a nobody. I grew up in the middle of nowhere Mississippi, I made bad choices growing up, I wasn’t a stand out kid at anything, if anything I was average or below average at everything I did. Now I don’t say this to try to stir emotions in you or to try to make you think I’m somehow above average now, I say that so that if you have a similar story you will listen to what I have to say.
Our God is great. As I’ve shared in a past post I have seen God do amazing things in my life in the past four years through merely submitting to him. In the past four years I have seen so much fruit of God in my life, teaching of a proper perspective of worship in my ministry, and in personal relationships the only word I can describe it as is a Holy Amazing. One of the tools that I never have fully realized that God in my life is this blog. I randomly repost newsletter articles that I write for my church or what God has placed on my mind at the time. I never get many comments on the actual blog so one would think that it doesn’t get visited often. I’ll get the occasional nod of approval from my pastor, the occasional email from a follower of encouragement, sometimes (only twice) I will even get a phone call of encouragement from someone who has stumbled upon my blog, and of course my own mother is constantly encouraging me (I praise God for her constant encouragement and prayers). Even amidst all of that encouragement It has never really hit me how many people actually read this until just a few moments ago.
When I redesigned my blog about six months ago I placed a great tracking tool called “Who’s Among Us” on here, so I could keep track of the traffic on my site. When I looked at it a few moments ago I was overwhelmed by what I saw. The words that I write have reached every Continent multiple times. The words that I write have reached countries that are closed or skeptical of the Gospel. It has reached farther then I could have ever imagined, reaching countries such as China, Ukraine, Romania, India, Pakistan, Dubai, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, and even as far as Fiji. How careful should I choose my words? A blog that I thought originally of as an online journal is reaching others with the Gospel and as encouragement to fellow believers.
Knowing this what do I have to say? I say this: To those of you in countries where the Gospel is not open in your country, I pray for you daily that you will endure and fight the good fight. I pray that God’s allowance of your suffering will strengthen the spread of the Gospel in your country and throughout the world. Forsake everything else, for in the end you will have true freedom. If you want to share how the Gospel is going forward in your country or just need prayer feel free to comment or to email me @ jonathanbcoleman@gmail.com.
For those in countries who are free, including America: I pray that we will not waste our lives chasing silly gadgets or temporary success. Take every moment and every opportunity you are given to further the spread of the Gospel for the Glory of God. As well if you need prayer or encouragement feel free to comment or to email me and I will never cease to pray for you as I am already when I do not even know you.
My Christian Brothers and Sisters, let us be encouraged for God Alone Is Good. Never feel as if you are alone in the fight, God is for you; Christians are praying for you. Why does God choose to use us? Because we respond as in Isaiah, “Here I am Send Me”.
May God Be Glorified.