Matt Redman has been a leader in the worship movement for the past ten years writing songs such as Better Is One Day, Blessed Be Your Name, You Never Let Go, and The Heart of Worship. This book is a perfect book to get for the youth that feels called to Worship/Music Ministry because of its readability and great insights.
This is also a great book to get for a youth that is called to Worship/Music Ministry as well as a great read for anyone who has lost the "facedown" fear that we should have of the Lord.
Dr. Borror was one of my main professors at SWBTS. His insight is priceless. Having lived a life of leading worship for over 60 years the wisdom that this book displays is amazing.
As one of the leading Reformed Worship Leaders and founder of Sovereign Grace Music, anything Bob Kauflin writes or says, you need to listen to it. Including this book.
Robert Webber is one of the most well-known worship pioneers of our day. His writing has a learning curve to it and is not for the beginner; however it is worth taking the time to ponder upon and understand.
Robert Webber - Worship Old And New
Robert Webber in this book speaks of Historic Worship and its transition to Today's worship and what they have in common and how they are different. This book is for the person who wants to go a little deeper in understanding worship.
For the Person who is called to the ministry. I cannot tell you how many times I have pulled this book out for help in funeral orders, wedding orders, and just general day to day items that come up for the Music Minister.
What does a Music Minister do the other 6 days of the week? This will help you grasp a vision of that.
Having had Dr. Bateman as a professor at SWBTS I know that he has forgotten more than I will ever learn. His book on worship is a must read for those who are looking to go deeper.
Have you ever wondered where the songs come from that we sing each week. What is the history of how worship music evolved to what it is today? This book will help you learn that.
One of the newest books that I have read. Not particularly a music worship book, but a great book in understanding Christian Worship.
Harold Best hits the mark with this book. It is a must read if you want to understand humanities necessity to worship.
I hope that hopefully this book list will help someone. If you have any to add that I missed feel free to leave a comment with it included.