I am a failure. Do you ever feel like that? I try and I try, and then I try again to live a life that is fully and totally good, then I realize that I have failed once again. Another day, another sin, another wasted opportunity to make a choice was right and I failed. This leads me to wonder does God love failures?
For a person to be a failure there must be a standard. There must be a level that is considered perfection or either to be the right way for one to choose a wrong way. If there were no right or wrong then one would never be a failure, right? So who makes right and wrong? Who determined the standard? I would argue and insist that God is the one who has made the standard or right and wrong since the beginning of Creation as evidenced in the bible. If you would argue against that just take a look at the most well known and simplistic orders of the law which are the ten commandments. We could all agree that it is wrong to murder, to cheat on your spouse, to steal, or to lust after your neighbors wife or possessions right? Why is that wrong? I would argue it is because it is God's law and He is the author of right and wrong; He set the standard of How a person should live.
What's more God even knows we are failures (Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"). Would God love someone who He KNOWS is a failure? God is Creator and we as His creation are failures. God knows we are failures, and through anact of selfless love made a plan of redemption through the person of Jesus Christ, who was fully man and fully God, sent to Earth to die.
Jesus came to Earth and lived a life that was perfect. He lived up to the standard and was actually not a Failure. He was the only person who actually deserved to live forever; instead He died. God's word puts it better then I ever could :
( 1 Peter 2 - He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.)
Jesus lived a perfect life but yet He suffered on a Cross a gruesome death, dying for the sins that we commit today. We are all failures and have fallen short of the standard of living a perfect life. None of us are perfect, but Jesus came and made a way for us to have a perfect life that gives us life that lasts long after the life on this Earth.
Obviously at some point or time we have all felt like a failure - we all realize that there must be a standard of what is right and wrong or otherwise to one person murder would be fine and to another it would be wrong. There must be a standard. So if there is a God and We are Fallen and there is redemption How do we receive life that lasts forever?
Does God love failures? Absolutely. God loves failures so much that He has given His Creation Redemption from our failures.
If this post is confusing or you want to know more feel free to comment or email me with any questions you have.