I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes I will remember your wonders of old.
Psalm 77:11 ESV
Another year is ending. These become more and more frequent the older you get. At the end of the year many people begin to think of what they want to accomplish for the next year.
Then there are people like me.
At the end of the year I like to reflect upon what all has happened in this past year. I like to reflect upon God’s goodness and what He has done in the past year. I think this is a good reminder of God's faithfulness to us throughout the year and away we can know He will continue to be faithful in the year to come as we remember His past victories in our lives. Therefore as I reflect upon this year of 2015 I remember what God has done in the lives of my family, in the lives of my church family, and in this great community that He allows me to serve in. This has been one of the busiest years of my life, but it has also been one of the best years.
Natalie and I begin the year at a worship night at the Village Church
I also had opportunity to sing with the Singing Men of Texas this past year. Singing with over 150 men who are ministers of music across north Texas
In February we had the amazing opportunity to spend some great family time in snowy Gatlinburg with all of Natalie's family

I lost one of my dearest friends and role models, my Pawpaw. He had suffered for many weeks and finally went home to be with his Lord.
In March our FBC Howe children's choir present the musical "Back To The Cross" on Palm Sunday
Our church held our Easter service at Howe High School, something I had never done before, church out of a box, and we saw 500 in attendance in a town of 2000.
I was asked to lead a prayer for the dedication of the new Howe Economic Development Center and asked to serve on the Chamber of Commerce.
Mackenzie played softball for the first time. She did great and loved it! Especially hanging out with the girls!
Just another day in Texas, riding on a mule with the cows.
May was full of flooding with record rain fall in Texas. At church we hosted a Women's Queen Bee Luncheon in the midst of all the flooding. We were also blessed to be able to spend our anniversary at a cool bead and breakfast thanks to Natalie's parents.
Titus turned 2 in June and once again in June we had amazing time at VBS, followed by a great youth camp at Austin Stone church in Austin were we spent time serving that community then followed by an amazing time at Pre-teen camp where we saw several boys come to know the Lord!

In July we spent a lot of family time together recouping from the busy three weeks of ministry in June. Mackenzie also lost her first tooth.
In August I begin my 3rd year of operating the scoreboard for the High School football games. Mackenzie played fall softball, we were able to go visit our dear friends the Traffanstedt's in Houston/Galveston, and our church held a night of prayer for our schools as they started back.
In September Natalie begin watching kids for the first time, she has three awesome children she watches everyday in addition to ours. We also were able to go to Branson with Natalie's family once again. I also saw some great friends from college that I hadn't seen in quite some time. Our Church also saw great attendance at "See You At The Pole" at all three campuses.

In October our little girl turned 5 years old! We celebrated by having a roller skate princess party. The girls all had a blast! Our church also saw great attendance at the best Harvest Festival we have ever had.
In November my wonderful church allowed me the opportunity to go to the Austin Stone Worship Conference. It was by far the best conference I have ever been to. Our family also traveled to Mississippi to celebrate Thanksgiving with our Mississippi family. Natalie's Grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.
This was by far the busiest December I have ever had. It begin with a wonderful Dinner in December held at Howe High School with our children presenting the musical, "David's Dynasty. It was a "Country Christmas". Then the very next week FBC Howe's Adult Choir in combination with 4 area churches presented the dramatic musical, "Jesus Our Treasure" at three different venues on three different nights, ministering to over 1,000 people in our community. On December 24th we had our Annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service to a packed house, it was a great night. Christmas day we spent with Natalie's family in Midlothian and Duncanville. The next Sunday we spent worshipping with Natalie's family at FBC Midlothian. For New Years my family from Mississippi came in town.
It has been an amazing year and God is truly blessed me and my family!